Succubus Stories v1.0.0 is now available to patrons!

Succubus Stories v1.0.0 has been released to patrons. Refer to the changelog for complete details. Patrons may access it here!

v1.0.0Succubus Stories2025-03-18

After over four years in active development, with this update, Succubus Stories can now be considered complete. It’s been a fun ride, and the in spite of many ups and downs, many victories and setbacks, we made it to the finish line. While it’s not a perfect game, I am still incredibly proud of Succubus Stories, and I think it has become an even better game that what I initially intended to make all those years ago when I first started this journey. Thank you so, so much to all the players, especially to those who contributed their time and energy to leave bug reports, comments, reviews, and ratings. And of course, I have to give a very special thank you to my patient and incredibly understanding patrons, who made this undertaking possible in the first place.

However, just because the game can be considered complete, that doesn’t mean it’s finished, or rather, that I’m finished with it. Succubus Stories will continue to receive updates and new content for at least the next several years, though these updates may be smaller and less frequent than when the project was being actively developed. And, of course, my journey as a purveyor of pornographic playables continues ever onward.

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wahoo! I feel this is slightly special. After all, I think completed games similar to these are in the minority... At least for those I have played.

Good job! :3



