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(1 edit)

If I have a gripe about this game it's the constant need to for the character to wee all the time.  It's not just that i'm not into the kink it's that an extra meter to manage on top of an already grindy game. The main gameplay loop seems to consist of  sex act,  find ingredients, craft and wee  repeat, with little narrative plot  development and  few if any choices to that actually change our character or feel like progress.

That said I have not played in a while  and it looks  the game has had some updates so i'm willing to try this one more time  but given my issues seem to be with the games mechanics  and story i'm not holding much hope that this is for me

I don’t think the game is that grindy, if anything, due to constant feedback from players, I think it’s gotten almost too not grindy for this genre of game, like it hits you with too much new stuff too often, to the point I worry players will get overwhelmed or just forget about entire game systems or miss out completely on certain activities and events. Obviously I’m biased, since I made the game, so maybe I need to collect some feedback on this point.

Either way, I’m not saying you’re wrong. If you think it’s too grindy that’s unfortunate, and I’ll try to see what I can do in future versions.

As far as needing to urinate, I don’t know. That’s something I need to collect feedback on, too. I think this is the first complaint I’ve ever gotten about that.

The patron edition lets you shut off various “emergencies” like pissing yourself, so it’s possible some people agree with you but have it shut off in that version, so maybe I haven’t gotten as many complaints about it as I should have.

I can collect some feedback on the grindiness and the rate of urination.

I definitely dislike the constant need for peeing, but I don't mind the grind. It feels as though peeing is a required fetish forced on the player that's impossible to turn off rather than a basic need.

I could make peeing optional, but you’d still need a source for the ingredient. Maybe I can make an option where you skip the scene but still gain urine at a fixed rate. Or, even easier, I could just make it so that peeing yourself takes longer.

Do you find the emergency (peeing yourself) scene is happening too often? Or just the general idea of it at all is off-putting? Like if you had more time to just go pee on your own, would that fix it?

For me, it's a bit too frequent, but I also think a part of it is the act of clicking a "pee" button itself is a bit much at times. It doesn't kill the experience entirely for me, but it still feels like I should be able to avoid it. I think one way to fix this could be just having, maybe a shady vendor in the woods sell it (along with other materials you wouldn't find at a typical market stall), while making the basic need part a toggle could fix it entirely as well.

I’ll add some sort of option for this in the next version. Probably more along the lines of just gaining the ingredient at a fixed rate rather than a vendor, though, since adding a whole vendor/shop just for this seems excessive. We’ll see though.

Thanks a lot for the feedback.


What's different about the one year anniversary version (Btw love the game hope you make more like this)  

Hi, sorry, I changed the art already but the update is coming to the patron edition on Oct 29 and to the free edition (this version) on Nov 5. I will post a major update devlog when that happens, which should create an alert for players.

I’m glad you like the game! Thanks!

Alright thanks for the info.

No problem,


Is there an option to disable NSFW images but keep the text?


No. Is that something you think would be useful? It shouldn’t be too hard to add as an option, so I’ll consider it.


I believe it's useful even though it's much better to have images to assist the description of the NSFW scenes. Some people would want to disable it so that they can work their own. As for me, it's to play the game without making it obvious that it's NSFW. Thanks for considering!


Art can now be shut off. Thanks for the suggestion.

Yay! Thanks!

I've got a bug or probably unintentionally left over. When art is disabled, the art in Status menu is still there.

Thanks, I’ll fix that.


I really didn't expect some good plot here. It's so fun! I've been playing nonstop (im writing this at 3am now), but i decided to rest for a bit cuz i need help. How do i get breast milk? HELPPPP

There’s a potion you can unlock called a “lactical.” You can either have the player drink it or use it on NPC women via potion magic to collect breast milk. It should also be available at the shop in the market and via expeditions at the maid academy if you hire witches.


Loving this so far! One thing I think could be fun would be some activities for working as a stripper, to earn money and attract customers for prostitution. Could start out tied to a specific location, but high levels of exhibitionism might unlock the option to dance in public. Just a thought!


I like this idea, I may use it. Thanks for the suggestion!

No problem! I'll definitely stay tuned.

(2 edits) (+2)

Will we be able to choose outfits(other than just dresseed undressed) and looks of our character(like hair colour, skin colour etc)? I believe the game needs more customization. But I liked it, looking forward for the new updates.


There are no plans to implement customization as a game system, but there are plans to add configuration options related to the artwork in the game.

Typically, it’s difficult to have CGs and have significant character customization, and any sort of outfit system would have very limited use since you can only see the player character’s full body in the game menus anyway.

I've been searching for the human urinal scene, but I've never been able to find it. Where is it located and how can I make it happen?

If you mean what I think you do, you have to complete the short questline involving Dale in the barracks (The Sting and Death and Taxes). If you can give potions to Dale in the barracks, then you’ve already completed this part.

Go to the backstreets while you’re very dirty and you’ll have the option to talk to a woman, and doing so starts the request The Urinal, which unlocks the activity on completion.


Love the gsme so far.....are there any plans for an android version?


From this post on the pateon:

Will there be an Android port?

Maybe. This is on “life support” on the task board, which means I’m not working on it at all, basically, but I am thinking about someday maybe working on it. Realistically, if I do make an Android app, I would do so only after the game is finished, so it’s not gonna be soon. And if you want to play the game on your Android device now, you can pretty easily. The web version of the game runs fine on mobiles, Android or IOS. If you want to play offline, you can use the JoiPlay app to run the browser version of the game, which you can download off the page. You won’t need any plugins to play it on JoiPlay, but you’ll need to configure the game to run in portrait mode and probably adjust a few other settings, too.

ok thanks


I loved it, and played it until the "ending" AKA the end of what was developed, how much more is going to be added for free and how soon, if an estimate is available?

(1 edit)

Version 0.9 should be coming to the patron edition in mid-June and to the free edition in late-June. I will be updating the game about every 6-8 weeks.

Most game content will be available in the free edition. I will be adding mod support in the next few months, and that feature as well as several test mods will be patron-exclusive indefinitely. Additionally, the patron edition includes cheats and some minor convenience features. All core game content will be in the free edition though. It’s my goal to make the free edition feel complete and the patron edition feel like it has extra stuff, not for the free edition to feel like it has missing pieces locked behind a paywall. It’s a hard balance but I do think of Succubus Stories primarily as a free game funded by player contributions rather that a paid game with a free version.

The game’s story is about half done; it will be five chapters, a prologue, and an epilogue, and as of v0.8 we’re halfway through chapter 3, so pretty close to the middle. I will be adding endgame and postgame content, including a new game plus mode, and only about a third of the planned requests and activities are in the game, so while the story is half done, I will continue to work on the game for quite a while after the story is completed.

Sorry for the lengthy reply, but I figure I can link to it for similar questions in the future so I may as well get it all out here.

I wasn't honestly expecting a reply, thank you!


i like it, there was sad moments and  happy ones, i even started to hate pelenor.

(1 edit)

Thank you, I’m so glad you liked it!


Hi, I really am enjoying the game so far, but how do I turn off watersports in the settings, I'm just a little confused on if it's supposed to be on or off

(2 edits) (+1)

The content shield system only blurs the offending content rather than removing it due to the fact you’ll need urine for alchemy. This isn’t a great solution but I’m not sure I can fix it at this stage. Under the “Content Shield (Beta)” heading in the settings menu, turn the shield On to have the offending content blurred. In other words On means the content is being blocked. I can see how the wording may be confusing, I’ll see if I can’t make it clearer.


ohhhhhh, ok. that makes sense, I was getting the blur but at the time I wasn't sure if that meant it was blocked, thank you so much for clearing that up for me.


Hi there! When I play on mobile (iPhone) and close the safari app, my entire save data gets deleted. Do you know why and if there is a way to bring it back?

If you’re playing in a private browsing mode, saving will not work. If it’s not that, it may that Safari has a limited storage space (about 5MB last I checked) for websites and web apps to use, and it deletes content that isn’t used after only one week if the user hasn’t been to those sites. If the 5MB of storage is full, it may delete content even sooner. How it chooses what to delete isn’t clear to me, but I suspect it’s a combination of how often you visit/use a given website or web app and how recently you’ve used it. So my recommendation is:

  1. Make sure you aren’t in a private browsing mode.
  2. Make sure to open the game occasionally so Safari doesn’t delete it.

There are some improvements I may be able to make on my end to help alleviate these issues, like letting users copy and paste saved data as text instead of passing them around as files, but these ideas are still in their infancy for right now.

(1 edit) (+1)

"Jizz Bomb Mk. II" is bug?maby this is connecter tho thed

Weird. How did you get that potion? It shouldn’t be in the game.

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I do not know.

Maby after use normal or own brand jizz bomb.

Hmm. Thanks for the report I’ll look into this.


I am happy to help (-:

...excellent game ^_^

(1 edit)

Will there be a potion oriented around pregnancy because the game talks alot about pregnancy

Edit: also the intro says nothing to explain how she became a succubus will that change?

Will there be a potion oriented around pregnancy because the game talks alot about pregnancy

There is no pregnancy in the game. Not sure what you’re referring to, I don’t recall ever mentioning it.

Edit: also the intro says nothing to explain how she became a succubus will that change?

No, the intro will not be changed. How the player character became a succubus is explained later, as is her desire for revenge.

How do you discover more potions again? I'm lost...I'm trying to romance Priscilla and want to make Succubus Snack.

Just make potions and you’ll level up over time. In this version, all potions are worth the same XP, so just spam cheap ones. In the next release (v0.9), harder to make potions will level you up faster.


How do you get the romance scene with Prisclla? I have been trying to do that but it never happens.

(1 edit) (+1)

Priscilla cannot be romanced after she moves to the bandit camp early in Chapter 3, so you need to do it before then. However, not romancing her will also open up different sets of options later. While due to the nature of the game, you obviously have pretty open relationships in the romances, only one major character can be romanced in the story, as it has some effects on the endings, so missing Priscilla isn’t too big a deal.


Please I want to translate to Thai.


I have had a few people offer to make translations to various languages. I will consider these requests after the game is complete or nearly complete. Thank you for your interest.

Will there be an android port?

(1 edit)

Copied from another response:

The Offline Browser version of Succubus Stories is compatible with the JoiPlay app (no plugins are required, just the main app), though you will need to make a few adjustments in the settings, including probably setting it up to play in portrait mode. Note that I have not personally tested the entire game in JoiPlay, so you may encounter bugs and other problems, but it does seem to work fine based on the testing I have done. The web version is also mobile friendly, and should work on most tablets and smartphones. Portrait orientation is recommended.

A proper Android APK is possible, but is very low on my priority list given that it’s only a slightly better solution than the other two. Probably when we get closer to a 1.0.0 release I’ll begin experimenting with support for additional operating systems and platforms.


I'm loving this game!!  Could you please add choices to lesbian and orgy scenes?  That would make me play more and longer.


Thanks! I want to eventually have most lesbian scenes transition to the encounter system (the system used for most hetero scenes), but that’s a ways off. Orgies will probably remain as bespoke events, but adding more variations and some player interaction is a good idea and something I’d like to do to, eventually.

Thanks for the feedback!


I was very skeptical at the beginning, and played merely to test my interest for accidently found erotic games on . 

I did not regret a single bit and finished it in a day=) Couldn't stop wondering where the story leads next!

Interesting storytelling, the idea and concept of whole game is easy, but not simplistic to understand and it makes it even more interesting to play to see what comes next=)

I will wait impassionedly for updates and will support you on Patreon! Thank you, it was awesome!


Thank you so much! I’m glad you liked the game! Comments like this keep me motivated, so I really appreciate it.

Hi I want to ask what the love stat is for

Sorry, not sure what you’re referring to.

(1 edit)

if you hold onto the percentage status in status on the heart icon it says love.png so I was asking what the percentage stat is for in status

The image is called love.png, but that’s just what the icon is called. The stat is lust. If you hover over it, it should say “Current lust.” or something like that. You can read more about lust here.




This game is great , I would like to ask are you going to or are you considering making an android version??

(1 edit) (+3)

Thanks! I’m glad you like the game.

The Offline Browser version of Succubus Stories is compatible with the JoiPlay app (no plugins are required, just the main app), though you will need to make a few adjustments in the settings, including probably setting it up to play in portrait mode. Note that I have not personally tested the entire game in JoiPlay, so you may encounter bugs and other problems, but it does seem to work fine based on the testing I have done. The web version is also mobile friendly, and should work on most tablets and smartphones. Portrait orientation is recommended.

A proper Android APK is possible, but is very low on my priority list given that it’s only a slightly better solution than the other two. Probably when we get closer to a 1.0.0 release I’ll begin experimenting with support for additional operating systems and platforms.


This is absolutely incredible. I love the storyline, the plot, how things can branch off, and all the different things you can do. A masterpiece, amazing job!


Thank you so much! I’m glad you like it.


Great game, can't wait for it to be finished!

(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks! I’m glad you like it. Still a long way to go until it’s finished.

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