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Hey, I'm sorry if I am being a bit annoying, but I would love it if we could have an android version for this game. I can of course run it in my browser but unless I want this on my regular tabs it won't save if I close Google. Any possibility we could have an android version please?


Dude, I can not stop playing this game. It is so addictive and sexy, but why can't we do certain things in the game?

I’m glad you like the game. What things?

Like we cant look around areas in soecific places.


I know this is a dead horse, but will you consider releasing the source code once this game is considered complete? Because I think it would really help people (myself included) start to figure out how to actually mod for this game.

I don’t plan to make the game’s source code available, and even if I did, I don’t think making it available for the purpose of modding would be wise. SS’s APIs were designed and modified alongside the game itself, so the source code would not necessarily be a good way to learn. On top of that, some stuff is just plain spaghetti code. Hex, for example, is way better in terms of structure and consistency. That said, I wouldn’t be opposed to sharing snippets of game code that I am able to personally annotate or comment on if there are like specific things you want to see, I also am willing to provide direct help and answers on the game’s Discord (or wherever else) to modders to help them get stuff off the ground. Also, the complete source code of the convent mod is available for modders to peruse.

I wanted to see the game's code more as a whole like Monster Girl Dreams mostly because I'm clueless about what specific thing I should be asking for. But if modifying the game's vanilla content is very hard or impossible, I guess I'll just have to see what Convent mod did and try to learn what I can.


You need to make an android version


The browser version runs fine on Android


One of the games that work on ios. I can’t scroll though. Still can play on pc. Nice game

After I got beat by the reaper the first time whenever I go back I get lines of text that say:

 Error: <<if>>: bad conditional expression in <<if>> clause: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'includes')

I'm playing on the web version if that makes a difference.

How can expand the party for expeditions again?

As your units level up, you will gain management experience, which will increase the party cap at certain breakpoints. So the short answer is just by doing expeditions.


cool, just too much piss fetish


which is reminder completely togglable


define completely, cuz taking a piss in the room for it to be described as "delicious pee" isnt it

(1 edit) (+2)

If you turn off urination emergencies and turn on the watersports content shield, it should prevent pretty much all the urination content as long as you don’t engage it yourself. There may be an occasional mention of pee from time to time as an ingredient, but it should be rare.

If you actively select watersports content by selecting an option to pee at some point, it should at least be blurred, other than a mention of ingredient collection. You can just not do that though, as long as urination emergencies are off, you won’t ever be forced to pee, just ignore the option.

(2 edits)

i have both those settings on (blocking watersports and turning off emergencies) and it's still coming up a lot, wound up uninstalling over it because it seemed so unavoidable and frequent and it was turning me off.

working as a maid? game's describing how yummy the piss in a toilet looks. no blurring.

explore uptown? triggering a fully blurred out scene about piss, fully visible choices of 'drink from the bucket' or 'pour the piss on yourself.' click to leave the scene and get an 'are you sure?' scene, still blurred, but the option doubling down on drinking it isn't.

enter the pillory? getting a scene that's mostly blurred out due to piss, the lines at the bottom about the character being 'drenched in piss' and how wet her hair is with pee and that the piss is stinging her eyes are not blurred.

i have urination emergencies off and still got a mention during a tavern scene of my character pissing herself. it was greyed out but it still happened.

that's not even mentioning how many of the underwear you can pick up make sure to note in the inventory that they're soiled with dried urine.

it sucks, i really like this game otherwise but it's just making me so damn nauseous :(

How do you get the breeding bitch perk?


You should get it after giving birth a few times.

How do you give birth tho?

The option will appear at some point at home. With the correct perks the option will also appear in public places. If you wait a while after the option first appears, eventually you’ll be forced to give birth wherever you are as an emergency.

What perks do I need for that?

I believe it’s “No Shame” but don’t quote me. It’s one of the higher exhibitionism-related ones.

How to you give birth to someone?

You actually just lay eggs that are basically special potions. You can’t actually make babies :/

Aw man😣😣😣😣😶😶😶😶


Could that be implemented into Succubus Stories easily? I'd be interested to see something like that, where the player becomes a mother (or something like that... ;3)

What does the "Breeding Bitch" perk do tho

It makes her enjoy giving birth (e.g., laying an egg). It just changes the descriptions of the scenes to be more lewd and there’s a possibility she’ll orgasm during it if her list is elevated.

(3 edits)

Can we get a more detailed guide? Like I've been trying to do a "pure" run (ikr lol), meaning no prostitution, exhibitionism and staying at lady reputation. I still became a skank over time. The guide says my reputation will affect the factions. It'd be better to know what actions really affect the reputation and which perks and traits affect it.

Btw is it possible to go back to lady reputation from skank or slut? I played for several in game days punching gropers but all it did was to make people think I'm innocent.

Ps. If the game is designed to make me to become slut or higher (I restarted after getting slut reputation) over time then it's understandable.

The reputation system probably needs a rework, since certain things like urinating cause you to move toward being more slutty (this is because internally these count as “erotic events” and I need to add code to create an exception for them). Some other innocuous things also count, like certain ways to avoid being arrested, getting caught outside without your clothes even if they were stolen, etc. Reputation is probably not a good indicator of how pure your run is do to this.

Your overall reputation only advances based on the total number of scenes you’ve been in, and doesn’t go back down. The three other reputation values (skill, depravity, and notoriety) all go up and down, but the overall rep never goes back down, so you can’t go back to lady, unfortunately.

A pure run isn’t actively intended to be possible, but it’s an interesting idea, and I think I could track it independently of the rep systems in place, and provide special rewards and bonuses for players who manage it, probably in the form of unique traits. It’s something I’ll think about!

Any chance you'll make this for android. I can play the web on android but not download the game for it


You can download the browser version and use it with the JoiPlay app.




The link explains in detail.


You can download the browser version and use it with the JoiPlay app.


please tell me

how do i get the male urine

Male urine is very easy to get starting in chapter 2 once you find the bandit camp. Prior to chapter 2 it’s only possible by finding select events or by using piss liquors on male NPCs.

I've been playing for awhile,and I still am not in chapter 2 but in chapter 1

If you open the journal it should tell you what you need to do to move on in the story. Even if the story isn’t that interesting to you, a lot of areas and characters are unlocked as you move through it, so it’s probably worth doing just to have more options for the sandbox stuff.


saves are broken for me.  I can save but when I load all progress is gone from a certain point (I'm still in prologue) I know this because the last successful save has me with a full exp bar with 2 points I can use them but then if I load a save those perks are gone and my points are back. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling, I tried  a new game and new saves  but nothing works HELP PLEASE!!  T_T

The game state is only updated when a new passage is rendered, like if you move to a new location, or start or finish an activity, etc. What this means is even if you change for example your inventory, or buy new traits, then save, the game state that gets saved is the one that was updated the last time a passage was rendered.

A lot of games do stuff like this, for example, even if you save while standing in the middle of the room, many games will load your character in at the door to the room.

At any rate, this isn’t a bug, and it should have no major averse effects.

ah.. that's embarrassing  sorry for the mix up.


i did not know that i had this much of a piss kink.


i do actually imagine the main character throwing the jizz bombs like a professional baseball player.


i am an absolute menace to society with the amount of underwear ive stolen


So am I.😂😂😂😂😂😂


some people may not like the superfluous adding of random extra words to make phrases like "slick fuck-slit"

i am not one of those people. this writing is the best.

Problem: I reached the part in chapter 3 where I have to talk to my allies and come up with a plan. Dale the guard is one of the ones I have to talk to, but he is permanently missing from the barracks. 

I remember accepting his request for the potion but I don't think I completed it. Is this fixable or is my save screwed?

screwed, you may be able to fix it if it is early enough, i haven't found a way though

I’ll investigate this.

(1 edit)

how do i gather info about Wimbol? I've checked the wiki and still can't figure out how to make a cunning potion.

(1 edit)

If you go to uptown at night you can ask Priscilla about it. You’ll need to complete her first request though.

thank you <3

I completed her request but still don't have the option...oh well guess I can just use the other means.

Best kind of GF ever


Nice pictures.😅😅

(1 edit)

what's the difference between the Windows version and the offline version?

The Windows version is a little better in general of you can run it. You can load up any mods, whereas the offline browser version requires mod files to be hosted in some way to be loaded up. Also the Windows version has better performance overall and save files are permanent, whereas in the browser version, save files are tied to browser local storage and can sometimes be deleted automatically or accidentally.

That said, the browser versions do have some good points of their own. For one, you can use browser extensions and features that may help you, like for translation or accessibility. The browser version is also compatible with many more operating systems and devices, is smaller to download, and can even be played on the web without having to download anything.

(1 edit)

Quick question. how do i progress the relationships with Rais, Priscilla and gray & carol? And how do i make a homunculus? 


You can find details on how to start the romances with each character on the wiki. As for the homunculus, it’s a reward for a request.

Love the game loads of fun ;) Have you considered adding an incubus feature/counterpart?

I actually did plan to do this in the early stages, but I decided against it. It would be such a massive undertaking at this point it might be faster to make a whole second game if I were so inclined.

(1 edit)

Quick question. How do you equip perks? 

Perks (and traits too) should automatically go into effect once unlocked. You don’t need to equip them.

Thanks! i appreciate the help.

I was just about to ask that Question to

(1 edit)

im having a problem( is in spanish so i wont post a cap) but it says that theres is not a entrance point for ¨DiscardVirtualMemory¨ in the library of dynamic links.Also it leads me to the nw.dll

Currently, only Windows 10 & 11 are supported in the Windows build. I plan to change this in the next release and re-add support for 7 & 8, but until then you’ll have to play either the offline browser build or online web build of the game.

i see, thanks then for the response.

wonder if you can get pregnant 

You can do so with inseminal potions.

i found a nice mod for that

pity its only demon eggs as that one guy you can romance allowing the option to get pregnat after marring him would be nice



I want to say a few things.

First off, the game exceeded my expectations immensely. Not saying I had low expectations, but seeing a not fully complete game with a female protagonist and humiliation and watersports content did make me come in with certain, unsavory expectations. I've seen way too many games that just ruin themselves by just overloading with non-censual/rape scenes that I could never enjoy games with these tags despite them being my main thing. What made me give this game a try was that I saw there was no rape tag and the MC in the images looked like she was genuinely enjoying herself.

I'm glad to say you made a new fan out of me. This is pretty much the only game I've found that caters towards my specific interests that doesn't add in unnecessary non-consent content which already makes me respect the game far more than 98% of the ones I've played. Also the story is genuinely engaging. Its standard and generic with a very moustache twirling antagonist, but that's all it needs to be and the game works with that really well. 

My only issues are the amount of bugs the game has and certain points that makes me remember that this game is still pretty much in beta. For instance, I'm pretty sure my perks/traits are bugged. I can't get the gloryhole stuff, and as a comment below me says, they also had the same problem. The Carol quest also either bugged or showed that not every option is complete, cause I did the blackmailing option but the game ended it as if I did the futa option by mentioning that Carol had a dick. Overall, these are nitpicks which I'm sure will be ironed out, but its still worthwhile mentioning them so the creator is aware. 

I'll probably do a second playthrough and hopefully thats not bugged so I can get the full traits/perks. I really want to shout at other developers to make content with these tags and not just have it be a rapefest, cause this was actually a really enjoyable experience cause I don't have to re-evaluate my morals any time a scene happens. 

Super fun game! But I've run into a problem where the Perks for Requests just don't unlock. They did in my first playthrough but now they don't. Preservation, futa, gloryhole, etc. don't give any perks. I've tried both downloaded and browser versions but the same thing is happening. Am I doing the quests too early? Do I have to wait until later on? It says I've earned the Perk but it's just not there?

I know the terminology is confusing but these are traits, not perks. Are you certain you’re checking the correct list?

Ah, I got it. Apparently it glitched the first time I played. For some reason, during my first playthrough, the traits appeared as perks in the on-screen pop-up. As such, when they didn't appear in the pop-up in my next playthrough I thought something was wrong. Thank you for the clarification. I have no idea how in the world that first glitch happened.


how do you get the mouth-watering milkers trait

(1 edit)

You can get it by using a lactical potion to start lactating. If you were already lactating since before the last patch, you need to take two to shut off and start lactating again, and then you should be able to purchase the trait. I believe taking a hyper lactical also works whether you were already lactating or not.


Hi! I'm having an issue with the game: I can't switch from 3D render to hand drawn pictures, inside the Settings menu. When I click on the drop-down menu, it flashes and it just goes away. I recorded the bug and stored the video on my Google Drive so I can post it here since there's no way to upload videos other than embedded YouTube ones.

Browser: Opera Mobile 78.1.4143

Phone: Huawei P40 Lite

Android 10

Here's the video of the bug:

Switching art inside game bug


How strange. Thanks for letting me know! I’ll look into this.

No problem.



how do you get to the fertility clinic

Once you become a maid, you can start doing maid work by going to the maid academy and asking for a job. There’s a random chance for you to spot a flyer which unlocks the location when starting a maid job.



When will there be mobile port?

Maybe, but the web version is mobile friendly and the offline browser version is compatible with JoiPlay on android. Doing a native port doesn’t seem necessary to me, given the work involved.


Does what you choose to pretend to be at the beginning of the game affect anything later on?

It only affects your starting social skills. The bonuses are listed on the wiki:

Idea bulit in cheats like give some tp or potions etc


Built in cheats that give fetish and experience points, ingredients, and TP are present in the patron edition of the game.


Unfortunate maybe like add a cheat to the free version but it's still a great game


Can i make the story solely yuri and futa on female without male, the hunger system makes me hassle


It is not really intended for players to be able to avoid straight content, but this planned to be a valid way to play my other game, Hex (“yuri mode” is coming in an update to that game this week).

For SS, the best you can do is (1) start with lacticals, (2) grind TP and alchemy, and (3) buy the trait that enhances feeding off of breast milk as soon as possible. Even then, this doesn’t completely remove all the straight content and references to it, but it should make it so you can largely avoid straight sex as part of the sandbox gameplay.

How can i play on Android?

The web version is mobile friendly and can be played right in your mobile browser. If you want to play offline, you can use the JoiPlay app or similar and the offline browser version.

will this get an android port? this look clean on android

Probably not. I feel like the available options for play on Android work fine. Any app I make would just be like a worse version of JoiPlay that only plays the one game. The only benefit would be that a dedicated app would be very slightly more convenient to install.

Hey I can't seem to join the Discord server when I click the invite link on this page and it takes me to the Discord invite and a try to join it simple reloads the page

The discord link still doesn't work so I copied and pasted the actual link in discord and was able to joi

I tested the links and they seem to work.

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